Yummy Eats (India Edition)

Yummy Eats (India Edition)

India is full of wonders and, without a doubt, one of those is its food. As Tyler previously mentioned, it took us 18 days before we repeated a dish. Not surprising when you see the number of vegetables, meats, & spices Indians like to cook with. We kept a detailed list of everything we tried so we could share with you a few of our favorites meals & those I actually took pictures of...sometimes the food just looked too delicious and I completely forgot. We even showed this list to our fellow train-mate during our trip from Agra to Delhi and he was very impressed with the variety and number of dishes we managed to fit in our short three & a half week trip.

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Rapturous Rajasthan

Rapturous Rajasthan

"Your train is cancelled!! Go upstairs to the tourist office to deal with it!!!"

Getting yelled at is not pleasant, even less so when the clock reads 5:30 AM. But this was how our trip to Jaipur started...

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