A Step Back in Ayutthaya

A Step Back in Ayutthaya

Hey there! It's been a while. Pardon our absence but as we approached the end of our trip, we found ourselves a bit tight on time. So we made the conscious decision to focus our energy on sightseeing/enjoying our last few weeks instead of updating the blog. Hope you'll understand. Now that that's out of the way, welcome back! After catching up on some sleep & eating a little too much over the holidays, we're back - weighing a few more pounds - to share the last 7 months of our trip with you! Up today: Ayutthaya.

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Breathing in the Lungs of the World

Breathing in the Lungs of the World

We started our round-the-world trip in a big way with a jungle trek in the Amazon. After 3 days and 2 nights, we saw our fair share of animals, insects and plants. But what did we do exactly? Read more and find out!

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